Thursday, April 3, 2014

Six Fitness Facts: True and Surprising!

Six Fitness Facts: True and Surprising!

There are so many fitness facts that are circulating around. Several you have heard and they just seem like common sense, but you do not really think about them.
Others seem to be a little far fetched, but when you look into them they actually end up to be helpful tips.
Here are SIX health facts and some tips on how to take this knowledge to use in your life and improve!

1. Laughing is Really Good For You!

It is fun! Laughter has been shown to reduce Cortisol levels, Cortisol is a hormone that is linked to stress which weakens the immune system, increases blood sugar and can negatively effect bone density and the reproductive system. Start laughing and maybe you will strengthen your body in the process!

2.  Muscle Does Not Actually Weigh More Than Fat, it is Just More Dense!

Which weighs more: a pound of rocks or a pound of feathers? The truth is, they both weigh the same1 A pound is a pound. Same goes for muscle versus fat. The difference is that muscle is more dense or less volume for the same weight. If you want to lose inches and tighten up, trade fat for muscle! What is the added bonus? Muscle tissue requires more energy from your body than fat; leading to an increase in your metabolism!! So this means: to boost your metabolism and change your body composition, it is best to gain lean muscle. Include lifting session at least 2 times a week and mix them with cardio!

3. Sitting Equals Weight Gain

It is common knowledge. Sitting at home on the couch instead of working out, is hurting you-but that is not the only thing! Sitting actually weakens muscles and burns less calories than standing. Since you are not using large muscle groups (your legs, and core) when sitting you are slowing your metabolism and making it harder to burn calories even when you are active. During work hours most of you have to sit a lot, but mix it up! Take a lap around the office or add in sitting exercises. Tucking the pelvis, squeezing the glutes, and controlled oblique twisters!

4. A Cold Stretch Before a Workout is Not the Best Idea!

Stretching is very important! There is a lot to misunderstand about which ways to go about doing this! You should always stretch warm, add in a light workout before starting your stretch. Stretching cold muscles can increase your chance of injury. A quick warm up before stretching ensures blood flow to the muscles. The best results of stretching thoroughly after your workout is improving blood flow to the muscles for quicker recovery, release of lactic acid, and promotes longer, leaner muscle tone.

5. Exercise Improves Brain Function

Exercise has physical benefits-which we are all aware of, but it is also good for your brain. Regular workouts can improve your mood and alertness. It also makes a clearer thought process, which improves your mental performance. Working out is a natural way to stimulate your nervous system!

6. Music Improves Workouts

I love to listen to music when I workout! It is fun and putting it on can also make your workouts more effective. Research has shown people who listen to music while working out have more intensity and are less likely to quit earlier in the workout. 

Are you looking to get back into exercising because it just was NOT fun for you before? 
Are you not sure where to start? 
Do you want more information on exercises?

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