Monday, July 28, 2014

Chalene Johnson's 30 Day Challenge

Chalene Johnson's 30 Day Challenge
What I have learned, What I continue to learn and how to put into practice what I have learned. 

It is not everyday that you get the information that this amazing leader with fantastic workout programs and personal development, along with long being a New York Times Best Seller offers a free seminar to teach you how to be a wonderful leader. 

I am here providing you with what I have learned. I am only on Day 16 and I am so excited about this program! I want to share it with all of you because it has helped me in so many ways. 

Making a habit: developing a habit is not just repeating the same thing for 21 days, it is LEARNING to crave that feeling of accomplishing the task.
Feeling how good you feel!
The start is rating the areas of your life. Rate each of these aspects in your life 1 to 10.
Physical Health
Emotional Health
Significant Other
Personal Growth
Spiritual Growth

Determining your priorities. Areas of life that are my biggest priority to me.
Key Priority: changes when your life changes
Intrinsic Priority: area of life that comes easily and naturally
Focus less on your intrinsic priority then on your key priority.

Based on the ratings you gave the aspects of your life-find what your key and intrinsic priorities are.
Select you top 10  goals*
Focus on balance! your goals must align with your finances, family, personal relationships and how you want to spend your time and energy.
Repeat this every week at the same time each week. 
Set your goals with an end date-make them scary!
Personally, physically, professionally: what you want to happen in the next 12 months
**Do NOT look at last weeks goals when you make this week's list
Set goals with a stretch: outrageous, but not impossible
Do your goals align with your key priorities?
Write goals as if you already have done it
Your goals must have measure

Secret Sauce: Have the resolve and determination
Identify your push goal-this is the one goal that if you accomplish, it will make all the other ones achieved as well. 

Turn your push goal into a promise, keep your word
1. Write down the person's name this push goal will effect the most and who will be the most proud of your success:
2. Name someone who's opinion really matters:
3. Make sure within 24 hours you tell them your promise (the people listed above)

How to make your Carefully Crafted and Diligently Maintained To-Do List
5 essential steps:
1. Make your to-do list at the same time everyday 
2. Make your to-do list in the same place everyday
3. Keep your list with you at all times
4. Add 2 or 3 small steps that will move you forward on your goal list everyday
5. Review and revisit the list
**keep it on your phone: apps used can be Toodledo, Awesomenote or Wunderlist

How to make your list:
1. Brainstorm-anything and everything you need to get done in the next 6 months to a year
2. Circle any items that must be addressed this week
3. Star the items that must be done TODAY**
4. Everything else falls into the category of "soon" or "this quarter"
5. Now write your push goal at the top of your page
6. Each day you'll check your list several times, if you get through the thing that must be done today, you can move on to the "this weeks" list-time permitting 
7. Remember to include 2 steps each day that move you in the direction of your push goal

Engineering you To-Do list:
Push goal
Every pending project
Family members
Home maintenance
Car maintenance

Make your habit stick!
Add tasks to your to do list that come to you throughout the day
You will become reliable-something that needs to be done, it gets written in your to do list
Check your list every hour

"Habits separate successful people from struggling people"

Schedule your to do list
What is your trigger that remind you to do what you need to do?
Reward yourself when doing positive things-finishing a task on your to do list

Stay on track!
Log your accountability by posting your trigger that reminds yourself to check your list

Be your own coach!
Listen to yourself and write down all the negative things you say about yourself in your head. After you finish CROSS THEM OUT
We believe what repeatedly we are telling ourselves!!

This step might be a hard one to grasp.
I want you to think about who your friends are. Who do you surround yourself with?
You may wonder why I ask you to think about this.
The reason-because you think and act like those you are around. 
Negativity drags you down, makes you negative and wears you out!

Part of negative relationships, don't see change as possible, but you need to take a step back from the cycle of negativity and instead invest your energy and time on relationships that are supportive and positive. 
Invest your time in the relationships that are good for you.
Be open to new friends as they come into your life and be available to new positive ways of interacting.

Winners love to see others win

Track the way you spend your time
Clock yourself: Timejot app or paper and pencil
The way you spend your time should reflect your priorities.

We have busy lives. That is why this is so important. Write down the length of time that you do everything and anything. 
This will help you shorten time spent on certain things, eliminate activities all together and spend more time where it is necessary. 

Remember: if you are asked to do something, don't just immediately say yes. 
Tell them "let me check and I will get back to you" this will give you time to check your schedule and your time, to adjust your time if needed and to identify why you are wanting to help out. 

Today I am a little more than halfway through this challenge. I started a bit late because of vacation. I cannot tell you how much I have learned, how much my eyes have been opened and what my business will be like afterwards.
I am excited to implement this new information into my life. 

Follow me through the next half of the journey :)

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